Anyone can Write · Five Minute Friday · Tell Your Story

Five Minute Friday: Purpose

Every Friday, I write it out for five minutes with a prompt from Kate Motaung’s site.  Anyone can write and anyone can upload.  Go for it! It’s always fun to see what we all make out of one word and five minutes.  For past Five Minute Fridays click here.

My purpose has always (well, the last 12 years) been to be a mom. I have made it my duty and calling to be a mom to little kids, wipe their noses, wash their clothes, play their games and read their books.  I have become enamored with this purpose.  This purpose has become me.  Which is kind of a problem now because all of my kids have gone to school. My youngest is in preschool five hours a day, which is great for him and weird for me. I have had to find a new purpose for five hours a day, which has mostly still been the same. I still do laundry, clean, make food and do dishes. But not having little people around to do it with me or just be near me, has been quite the transition.

My purpose is still to take care of my family and try to create a happy home and life, but I have also had to take time to think about me. What do I like to do? Anything? I know for sure I like writing, reading, exercising, baking and gardening.  They make me happy and I have mostly been able to keep doing them even with little kids at home.  They were always my helpers, which made those things fun and often frustrating.  But what other new things can I do?  What other purpose can I find? Spending more time with Blake!  Helping with the refugees!  Learning a new talent! And honestly, just being.  I have had to learn to make my own schedule, do what makes me happy with little fingers and little voices.  I know it’s a slow process but I feel like expanding my purpose will help my family, as well.  They have been so excited for this writing journey I have been on. They were so excited when I ran a half marathon.  They were thrilled when I finally figured out how to make pretty bread.  My purpose is their purpose, just as their purpose is my purpose.  A family is just wonderful that way.


I have never seen this quote before but I love it.  A mother is a mix of so many things, but I hope my kids always know that they were my number one priority (God and Blake excepting, of course.)

4 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday: Purpose

  1. Life is definitely a set of seasons, one role and purpose morphing into another. But love is always our purpose through them all. God bless you in your new season. Your FMF Neighbour at No. 62


  2. My youngest is 7 and my oldest, 18. I’m learning to renegotiate this new season of life. I’ll always be mom to my children, but how I mother, in a practical way, changes. I’m learning to branch out and ask many of the same questions you’re asking. To embrace the me I am today with a bit of a changing role.
    May you find immeasurable joy as you discover (and rediscover) what it means to be.

    Your FMF neighbor.


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